
A Brand By Any Name

By September 1, 2015 November 1st, 2022 No Comments

Make a name for yourself. Sure, you were gifted one upon your entry, but to make one is to succeed. That sounded way more poignant in my head, but I’m going with it.

I’ve read far too many sensationalist exposés since adding VICE to my bookmarks, so coming across the story of Philani Dladla, also know as the Pavement Bookworm, was a joy. The article from deserves your click, but to summarize, the Bookworm was an impoverished addict from Johannesburg. Melding his love of literature with a means of financial recourse, Dladla began selling books off the street. He went just a step further by attaching a rating to each book, offering a less biased review than the New York Times, and charging accordingly. After embracing a (possibly self-imposed?) brand, his story has reached millions. Enjoy those warm fuzzies, ignore that this particular post isn’t Pulitzer-worthy, and make a name for yourself – Pavement Bookworm is taken.

Also, I think I envy his lifestyle. Homelessness included. Ya know, no cable bill and such. If you happen to pick up a copy of Michael Chabon’s The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, PayPal me $9 and I’ll know for sure.

~ Chase Cambria, Jr. Copywriter, The S3 Agency