How Does Your Digital Marketing Garden Grow?

How does your digital marketing garden grow? It starts with the right tools.

Pardon the digital marketing pun, but we’ve got gardening on our mind – partly because it’s spring, and mostly because we recently started working with Garden Weasel.

If you don’t know Garden Weasel, it’s a leading brand of professional-grade gardening tools designed to help gardeners at any experience level maximize their success. That success comes from using the right Garden Weasel tool for the right purpose, since they are all crafted for specific usages. How does this relate to marketing success? Very directly.

Digital Marketing Growth Tip #1: Start with the End in Mind

The best gardens come from the best planning, starting with the end goal in mind. It’s the same with digital marketing campaigns. Your plan for a constantly in-bloom flower garden will be different from potted tomatoes for fresh summer salads.

With digital advertising, the first question to answer is “What do I want someone to do when they see my ad?” For instance, should they be clicking through to learn more information, to buy from your e-com, or to go to a retail distributor? The answer to that question will inform the digital strategy.

Digital Marketing Growth Tip #2: Pick Your Audience

OK, it’s not an exact parallel, but close enough… Are you going to be picking veggies to serve as school cafeteria lunches or to cook up for Gordon Ramsay? In digital marketing speak, who is your target customer? That will change your content approach.

For Garden Weasel, the goal was to reach the growing number of beginner gardeners so that they would be equipped for success. That meant taking an educational approach, to help them understand the purpose of specific hand tools, like the transplanter – and making sure our ads appeared where those new gardeners were most likely to discover them.

Digital Marketing Growth Tip #3: Plant and Cultivate!

“Plant and cultivate” is another way of saying “go live and optimize.” Too often we see brands get caught up in the details of perceived perfection. This paralysis delays campaigns beyond the “optimal” planting season, which means you are already starting at a brand-building deficit.

The reality is that digital marketing success – and gardening success – starts the moment you go live. If you’ve got the right strategy and content approach in place, it’s better to get started and then optimize as you get the data in real time. The season was extra sunny? Water more. One particular creative component is outperforming the rest? Dial that one up.

Give Yourself a Green Thumbs Up

Of course, digital marketing has far more complexity and nuance than three simple steps. But sometimes we need to remind ourselves that the basics are still the most important component of our campaigns. So follow these 3 tips, add some digital sunshine and a whole lot of love, and your next digital marketing campaign should be a blooming success.

P.S. If you’re a gardener, check out Garden Weasel. These tools will make a huge difference. #nowyouknow


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