How #TB12 Is Owning Facebook

Athletes’ Facebook pages are the worst. They all spit out the same contrived “work hard” drivel and they cater to the the fanboy in all of us. I had never “liked” a team’s or athlete’s Facebook page — not even Tom Brady. I say this because my adoration for Brady is a running joke around the S3 office. Hanging above my desk is a photo of my head photoshopped on Giselle’s body blowing a kiss at a dapper Tom Terrific (over a background of a unicorn with rainbows coming out of its rear end). For close to a decade, Brady was losing to the internet. Every slip up he had, the internet was there to capture it and turn it into a Meme. 


Then something funny happened…he turned into the the internet’s Social darling and it literally happened overnight. Brady was battling the internet constantly. He was portrayed as an out-of-touch pretty boy who danced on floats in a ponytail, screamed like a girl on water slides and had a super model wife who complained about his receivers after tough Super Bowl losses (all within earshot of fans with smart phones). He needed a new strategy.

Here is an example of what Tom Brady’s Facebook page was posting prior to his change on Facebook strategy. I don’t know about you, but I was not overly excited by this post:


Then on September 18, 2014, Tom Brady’s Facebook page posted an old resume. This was poking fun at the fact that he had a backup plan to the NFL (but still reminding everyone how humble he is). Result: Broke The Internet.


To show he had a sense of humor, Brady started mixing in Meme-ish images for each game. Below is a Meme his team adapted from Will Ferrell’s cult classic Semi-Pro. Result: Broke The Internet.


And about that model wife…Brady needed to make her seem real. How about posting a photo she took of Tom falling asleep at sundown. Result: a slew of positive PR about how Brady is obsessive compulsive about taking care of his mind and body.


Everyone calls you an out-of-touch pretty boy? Hit back and post photos from your awkward youth (and mix in some intentionally awful Photoshop skills). Result: Broke The Internet. 



And about all the Memes making fun of Brady’s general awkwardness? Post horribly ironic Brady fist pump. Result: Brady’s goofiness makes him human.



Finally, Brady mixed in some videos that clearly poke fun at himself. Here is one goofing on his lack of foot speed set to the score from Chariots Of Fire. Result: just under 2 million views.


In closing, someone turned around the Tom Brady brand with a sound content strategy with balls. Amazingly, I didn’t once mention the fact that Brady is the spokesperson for Uggs but he is this guy:


~ Jaime Hamel, @stophameltime & Digital Strategiest, The S3 Agency



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