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I Want a Pony…Maybe I Want to Go to Scotland?

When it comes to advertising, animals still have selling power. Budweiser has tapped into this for decades with its iconic Clydesdales. And let’s not forget the virality factor a cat can have. The country of Scotland is finally getting in on the action with the help of some well-dressed Shetland ponies. Say hello to Fivla and Vitamin, looking cute & cuddly in their Fair Isle cardies to help highlight some of Scotland’s natural beauty.

The well-clad miniature ponies are the new ambassadors of the “VisitScotland” 2013 tourism campaign celebrating the Year of Natural Scotland. Fivla and Vitamin have been photographed all across the Scottish landscape, in their custom-made wool sweaters, to show it is one massive natural playground. I don’t know that a trip to Scotland is in the cards for me this year, but I’ll give the Scots credit for the cute factor. Move over, Nessie. You have some competition.

~ Jillian Verpent, Account Coordinator, The S3 Agency


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