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Kilbeggan No-Longer-Just-For-The-Irish Whiskey

Kilbeggan has released its first US ad campaign, nicely timed just before St. Patrick’s Day. The digital and social campaign basically outs the secret of Kilbeggan so it can be shared by others not in Ireland – and shows how Irish folks are coping with their fear of what this might mean in terms of diminished supplies for themselves.

Digital ads link to the brand’s YouTube videos that show some interesting coping methods, including the funny juxtapositioning of a burly Irishman and his new found love of knitting:

If you like that spot, take a minute to watch the extended version:

Beam, Inc., purchased the Kilbeggan brand a little over a year ago. With March 17 fast approaching, we’ll know soon enough whether they’ve discovered gold at the end of the advertising rainbow.

~ @AdvertGirl, CEO, The S3 Agency


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