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Miracle Whip Goes Pro

Miracle Whip Sponsors Senior Basketball Team, And Scores Big.



I’m flipping through a holiday cooking magazine and I stumbled on a small article about my favorite questionable condiment: Miracle Whip.

In July 2017, the 84-year-old Miracle Whip did what any respectable, big-name brand would do: sponsored an athletic team. You’re probably thinking, “cool Sam, what the heck is so special about that”, and I’ll tell you what’s so cool about it.

Miracle Whip is supporting the power-house senior women’s basketball team, the San Diego Splash. Women on this team are all over 80-years-old, one player is even 92! They have won multiple gold medals at the National Senior Games (who knew that was even a thing)!



This is a really special partnership for a couple of reasons. Brands sponsoring sports team is nothing new, but why not get behind a team that isn’t associated with billions of dollars and stands out for something different and worth celebrating. Also, it’s clear Miracle Whip knows their audience. Some of these women have been eating this product their whole life. These ladies are in for a lifetime supply of Miracle Whip for endless macaroni and tuna salads.

According to Matt Carpenter, Director of Marketing, “This spring, we brought back our original gold standard recipe, and, when we learned about the Splash, we knew that this was our opportunity to celebrate a group of women who are challenging the expectations of just how good 80 years can look. This is a team filled with spirit, originality, and of course, excellent hook shots.”

ATTENTION BRANDS: Do more fun stuff like this! This was picked up by Food Network Magazine and gave me a new found respect for Miracle Whip. Take risks and have fun with your product.



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