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3rd Annual Pumpkin Spice Update #PSL3

Dear Diary,

PSL update time. It’s nearly October and I have only had ONE pumpkin spice flavored goodie. SOS.


Pumpkin-less & Pathetic

Blame it on the PSL budget, or the fact that Starbucks is not the closest coffee shop to my apartment. Either way, I totally missed the pumpkin bandwagon this year. (And that’s really a brand-wagon opportunity for companies who want to stand out this season.) What have I been missing out on? I’m glad you asked…

Pumpkin Soup in a Bottle

This is something I would definitely try, I love the pumpkin sage combo. They are getting a little weird with the packaging though. Soup belongs in a bowl.

Pumpkin Spice Kombucha

I’m going to give this product a hard pass. Have you tasted Kombucha lately? It’s refreshing and has a distinct flavor. I can’t imagine a pumpkin flavor going on here. Yuck.

Pumpkin Spice Spray

I love pumpkin spice flavor, I really do, but I don’t want to spray ANY flavor on food to eat. It’s very futuristic and slightly horrifying. Bleh.

Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream

Yes, Yes, Yes! This is what I’m talking about. Pumpkin pie is the perfect flavor to turn into ice cream. Bonus points for being Halo Top brand and low on calories.

Pumpkin Spice Potato Chips

I’m actually really into this. Sweet potato chips are delicious as is, and I think adding a bit of pumpkin spice flavor to the already sweet chip = magic. I need a taste test ASAP.

Pumpkin Spice Marshmallows

I really love marshmallows, just ask my dentist. My issue here is that marshmallows are just sugar flavored… so is this really just pumpkin flavored sugar? I’m not totally opposed, could make a mean s’more…

Pumpkin Spice Salsa

My initial reaction is hell no. I’ve had great sweet salsas, but I’m thinking something about the cinnamon-y flavor of this could be real gross. Pass.

This PSL-started trend is still going strong but how long will this Pumpkin Spice mania really continue? Only time will tell. Let us know which Pumpkin Spice flavored foods you’ve tried this season! We’ll be back next year to monitor this madness.


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