So it’s official: last night’s presidential debate was the most tweeted event in political history, during which users generated 10.3 million tweets in the span of 90-minutes. While one may expect topics like Medicare or taxes to take the stage in these comments, I doubt anyone expected the phrase “Big Bird” to generate 17,000 tweets per minute. But it did indeed, in response to Mitt Romney’s promise to discontinue funding to PBS if elected. Within minutes, multiple Twitter accounts were created for Big Bird, including @FiredBigBird, which had 28,000 followers as of earlier today and has since been “suspended.” Hopefully everyone has learned a lesson from the uproar that ensued: you simply DON’T mess with Big Bird.
~ Trish Salge, Sr. Art Director and Chief Political Correspondent, The S3 Agency
image courtesy of @FiredBigBird