We see how the small moments, even the not-so-great-ones, really forge the bond of their relationship. Sarah-and-Juan. Extra gum inserts itself into the “and” part of that relationship – through being chewed, offered, and accepted at various emotional and everyday times…and, unexpectedly, as the canvas on which those moments are artistically captured.
It is really difficult for a brand advertisement to actually surprise a viewer in a meaningful way, but this Extra commercial does just that. The commercial ends with “Give Extra, Get Extra” – such a clever way to underscore their brand name. Give someone this brand of gum – they may just become your lifelong partner. Does Juicy Fruit hold the promise that Extra now claims? Can Trident really help us “Live Life’s Little Moments” the way that Extra can? Too late, Extra owns that positioning now. Just in time for Christmas… So don’t be surprised if gum wrappers are this season’s new way to ask, “Will you marry me?” (It’s so Instagrammable…)
~ Denise Blasevick, @AdvertGirl & CEO, The S3 Agency