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It seems that over the past decade or so, Barbie has gotten a pretty bad rep – and her brand has definitely suffered. Critics say her body is unrealistic and that playing with Barbie at a young age could have a negative impact on girls lives. Mattel has attempted to update the Barbie brand over the years by expanding her waist line, giving her a wide range of careers, and even supplying temporary tattoos for her. Unfortunately, each attempt has felt forced, making Barbie’s brand even less relatable. Until now, that is.

Personally, I’ve always kind of agreed that Barbie is an unrealistic role model for girls to look up to, and I’ve generally turned my nose up at the brand. After viewing this new brand video from Barbie, which focuses on how the plastic plaything can stimulate girls’ imaginations, I remembered why I loved playing Barbies so much as a kid. We often forget that it’s less about the actual doll and more about what the child creates with the doll. If anything, Barbie should be seen as a vehicle for imagination. The playful video steps inside some girls’ imaginations, showing them play out the careers or lives they see themselves having as adults, and the result is heartwarming. The young stars of the spot light up as they pretend, and that is what Barbie is all about.

This execution screams “girl power” in a genuine way, breaking from the missteps of the past. As a former Barbie critic, I would say this is a huge branding step in the right direction. Hopefully they keep it up.

~ Samantha Banner, Jr. Copywriter, The S3 Agency


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