The world’s most secretive organization, the Central Intelligence Agency joined Twitter on Friday by launching its official account and sending out a humorous first tweet, proving that spies can have a sense of humor. The agency, tweeting with the handle @CIA, confirmed in a news release that it has established a presence on both Twitter and Facebook.
The CIA’s first tweet – “We can neither confirm or deny that this is our first tweet.” – resulted in more than 160,000 followers in the first few hours, 216,000 retweets and 124,000 favorites. Celebrities got in on the fun, adding their starpower to the CIA’s instant Twitter popularity.
What can the CIA possibly share, you ask? Apparently, a lot.
“By expanding to these platforms (Facebook and Twitter), CIA will be able to more directly engage with the public and provide information on CIA’s mission, history, and other developments,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a statement.
The agency also promised to post “the latest news, statements, and career information” from the CIA, along with artifacts from the CIA’s museum, updates from its World Factbook and unclassified intelligence information.
Is this part of an image campaign? It certainly seems to be…although they might want to tweet more than every three days if they want to keep their followers engaged.
~ Meredith Aman, Account Supervisor, The S3 Agency