Gatorade, Milk, & the Very Latest Special Effect

It started with the recent milk campaign – replacing the long-running but no-longer-moving-the-needle milk mustache motif with a series of ads featuring milk pouring out of people as they go about their daily activities. Now, Gatorade has discovered the special effect whereby one’s product can flow forth in slow motion trails from the bodies of its consumers. In this case, behind athletes as they move majestically through their paces. Take a look:

I don’t know what’s going to be next, but with this effect out of the bag, I am expecting something to break soon. Perhaps a beer brand can jump on board, and golden sheets of sudsy ale can cascade from sports fans or bikini models as they party by the pool. How about something in the digestive aid category… say, Pepto Bismol? Is there a place for this effect in the realm of erectile dysfunction pharmacology? The mind reels with the possibilities.

Following so quickly on the heels of the milk campaign, the Gatorade effort comes across as extremely derivative. The commercials may be setting Gatorade apart from other sports drinks – but they’re doing it by reminding me of milk. Not, I’m guessing, what the market research must have called for. At least they didn’t steal the new milk campaign tagline, which might work for Gatorade as well: Milk Life.

~ Adam Schnitzler, Chief Creative Officer, The S3 Agency


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