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Heineken Spreads Holiday Cheer…Karaoke Style

In the last 24 hours, Heineken has once again proved that they are the viral video masters with “Carol Karaoke”. This holiday campaign combines Christmas carols and karaoke – turning the tables on unsuspecting individuals who believe they are belting out a tune for a couple of friends. After they get a few lyrics in, the private lounge opens up to reveal they’re actually being broadcast live to about 30,000 people via Times Square Jumbotron, NYC cabs, even a sporting event! At that moment, they have to decide: will they or won’t they continue with the holiday cheer? Those who do are greeted with cheers from the crowds.

Would you keep singing? That’s what viewers must be asking themselves as they see the video. And for those who have yet to see the video, Heineken’s ad campaign uses the question to lure even more viewers.

Festively awesome job, Heineken. And far more clever than “Grab a Heiney.” For the record, I would keep singing.

~ @AdvertGirl


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