Honda Unveils Best Ad Since Last Masterpiece

Seriously, just bookmark this blog post and reread it whenever you need some creative inspiration. Honda, makers of all manner of machinery in your neighborhood, just made another world-class brand advertisement to add to their trophy shelf. The title is, simply, “Paper.”

Is there any need to get into a paragraph heralding this spot’s genius? No. It speaks for itself. And for the brand.

Just as Honda boasts an extensive family of equipment ranging from leaf blowers to hybrid cars, the brand also as an amazing history of accomplishments in the area of brilliant commercials. Commercials that do more than educate potential consumers to their product line. These commercials a things of beauty to be watched over and over…so that one may refill the inspiration well. “Paper,” is the spiritual successor their 2013 brand heritage ad “Hands.”

If I may get nostalgic for just a moment, I like to think that another Honda brand ad, one that preceded “Hands.” It’s the world famous “Cog,” and it played a massive role during my formative years. “Cog” helped guide me away from my life of crime on the hard streets of New Jersey, and into the lovingly caffeinated arms of advertising. I’ve yet to construct a Rube Goldberg Machine in the name of sales, but an awe-struck former teenager can hope to one day be a part of their next masterpiece. A copywriter can dream.

~ Chase Cambria, Jr. Copywriter, The S3 Agency


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