How Have Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce Clients Adapted to Twitter?

It’s a week now since the Mad Men series finale, and my kids are sick of my singing, “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke.” Last week the staff at Unmetric took a look at the Twitter data and found some interesting nuggets about the SCDP client roster. Interesting takeaways:

  1. It’s sad to see Dunkin’ Donuts dominating Martinson’s Coffee. (Don would roll over in his grave. No, I do not believe he is alive in 2015.)
  2. Who knew that Avon was such a social powerhouse!?! (Assuming there have been multiple Joan inspired #TBT tweets…)
  3. Jaguar promoted 89% of their Tweets. (Did they run this spend by Lane Pryce?)

See these and other “insights” in the rest of Unmetric’s infographic, below. (We’ve edited it into several individual graphics for better legibility.)

~ Jaime Hamel, @StopHamelTime & Digital Strategist, The S3 Agency



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