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Is Your Brand Cleaning (Up) Like a Mother?

Turning into our parents tends to be high on the list of 20-something fears. But there are certain traits and skills we wouldn’t mind having rub off on us. I’d do anything to flip perfect pancakes like my mom. Others may have missed out on dad’s tire changing expertise or mom’s budgeting brains. We spend so much of our youth rebelling against the lessons our parents are trying to instill in us, we often end up missing out on some important life skills.

This point hammered home on a recent trip to a big box store as I perused the cleaning supplies aisle in search of magical products that could clean my apartment with no effort required from me. While debating dish soaps, I spotted one of my all-time favorite products and the perfectly timed tagline:

Clean like a mother.

That’s it! That is exactly what I’m trying to accomplish. I want to clean like a mother. I want those spotless floors and clean countertops and a sense of humor from the product promising those very results. 

The tagline is in no way new. This ad campaign mopped onto the scene in 2012 with music video style ads supported by a blogger program. 

No stranger to innovation, Method was born of the gaping hole in the cleaning product category. Nothing was pretty, nothing was fun, and –most importantly – the idea of green products hadn’t taken off yet. Method revolutionized the cleaning aisle with products that were not only bright and fun, they were non toxic, free of common cleaner chemicals, packaged in biodegradable bottles, and never tested on animals. An entirely new concept for a mass-produced cleaning product, but something that has resonated with consumers to the tune of $100 million. 

As the notorious boomerang generation that is Millennials starts easing out of our parents’ houses and into the real world, we’re looking for ways to succeed on our own. We’re taking responsibility and pride in our lives, and it’s a huge opportunity for brands to lend a hand. I’ll admit, I went through a lot of crappy dollar store dish soap before realizing I needed a product like Method that not only works, but makes me feel good about my purchasing decision. 

Being out on your own for the first time can be difficult. Method is helping make it a little bit easier.

~ Christine Perez, @ictine & Account Executive, The S3 Agency


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