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Liebovitz to the Rescue

Annie Liebovitz’ photography always gets tongues wagging, and that’s doubly true with her latest photo shoot for Vogue. The arguably most famous fashion photographer alive has used her art to celebrate Hurricane Sandy’s first responders and those involved in the relief efforts. Sounds good to me – yet apparently the pictures are causing quite a stir. Take a look:

Some think it’s in bad taste and offensive… others (like me) are not bothered and think the photographs are tastefully done.  Besides the
gorgeous models wearing Marc Jacobs, Vera Wang and many other high-end designer threads, the photos capture the real people involved in the rescue and relief. It’s also worthwhile to mention Vogue has been helping in post Sandy relief efforts, raising over 1.7 million dollars.

Put that all together, and I’d say that any campaign that gets buzz, raises money for victims of a disaster, and immortalizes some real-world heroes in a Vogue-worthy way is a winner.

~ Mike Kolatac, Senior Art Director, The S3 Agency


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