Squatty Potty Drops Its Next Brand Bomb: Unicorn Gold

What is Unicorn Gold? Squatty Potty is so glad you asked.

Squatty Potty releases new video as it expands the brand to include bathroom spray: Unicorn Gold.
Squatty Potty releases new video as it expands the brand to include bathroom spray: Unicorn Gold.

From the company whose viral video literally elevated the art of evacuating with a toilet, um, stool comes a new product: “Unicorn Gold” potty spray. Yes, now that the makers of Squatty Potty have gotten under our feet, they are looking to expand the brand with a scented spray that makes for a fresher bathroom experience. The new video is entitled, “Slay Your Poo Stink with the Golden Fart of a Mystic Unicorn.” And it must be seen to be believed. (The thing is, when you see it, you likely will believe it works.)

I won’t get into all the details on how this spray works – really, you should watch the video, which continues the unicorn-royalty theme of the Squatty Potty spot that sold millions. The video also entertains with no shortage of poop-inspired puns and references, as well as a “come not hither” sign on a bathroom, indicating that potty stench is a dilemma as old as time. Of course, Unicorn Gold doesn’t really come from the hind quarters of a flatulent unicorn as the clearly farcical video indicates. However, it does apparently have real gold in it, and that’s kind of interesting.

You know what else is interesting? The names of the five Unicorn Gold spray scents: Pinch of Vanilla; Citrus Squeeze; Fruity Booty; Tropical Dropsicle; and Mystic Forest. OK, four of the five sprays have interesting names. (What happened with Mystic Forest, oh namers-of-the-unicorn-realm?)


Ah, well. You can’t have everything. But since Unicorn Gold was released this week, you can have a new potty spray in your stocking this holiday season. The company even offers a money back guarantee – “no butts about it.” (But the spokes-gentleman tells us your butt will be all about it, so it doesn’t seem they are expecting to get too many returns!)

One more thing: I do hope no unicorns were harmed during the filming of this video.



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