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When searching to fill an open position, many businesses prioritize creativity – especially if that business is a tattoo parlor. Berrge Tattoo in Turkey has taken recruitment searching to a new level, thinking outside of the box by having applicants color inside the lines! How? With QR code technology, the usefulness of which seems to have escaped much of the advertising industry.

The tattoo parlor placed an ad in newspapers where job hopefuls could fill in a QR code – after all, a good tattoo artist needs to have a steady hand. Once the QR code has been filled in perfectly, it can be scanned to bring the inker an official application.

What a clever way to stand out in the classifieds, making a “help wanted” ad act as a cursory talent pre-screener. This ad also differentiates Berrge Tattoo from its competitors, showcasing the brand’s creativity to job seekers and tattoo seekers alike. And it certainly proves that, for the creative, there is a place for QR codes.

~ Stefanie Fernandez, Account Supervisor, The S3 Agency

Source: https://www.adweek.com/adfreak/tattoo-studios-brilliant-help-wanted-ad-makes-applicants-carefully-fill-qr-code-147693


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