If you’re not one of the 4 million people who have seen the latest BLR (Bad-Lip Reading) video to hit YouTube, do yourself a favor: watch this 5+ minute bit that turns Game of Thrones footage into an ad for a renaissance festival. Do these guys have the right to take snippets of the HBO show and dub in new (hysterical) voices and dialog? Of course not. Will GOT make them take down the video because of Intellectual Property violation? Not if they know what’s good for them. And I’m sure they know. (Perhaps it was even done as a buzz-building campaign with their consent…)
First off, let’s discuss how great the name is: Medieval Land Fun-Time World. You immediately envision an over-the-top, campy, Rodney Dangerfield-esque movie. The BLR guys set the stage right from the start. Now take a look at the video (which clocks in at nearly double the “3 minute limit” suggested for “viral videos” – and is worth every second):
Able to watch it just one time through and be satisfied? Great. You watched it and “got it,” I’m sure. Rather than a show whose horrifying “Red Wedding” episode last season had the social media world in horrified shock, it seems that hilarity ensues.
Since one view will never be enough for Game of Thrones fans, I have supplied a quick reference of hit time signatures for what I’ve deemed to be the best lines. Enjoy! ~ @AdvertGirl
:50 “It’s beer and a ton of powdered doughnuts. Cause it’s powerful, yeah. Powdered suuuuuugaaaaaar!”
1:18 “Listen son, I give you four cents each for them vanilla wafers.”
1:33 “Are you a fan of the Picachu?”
1:37 “Oooh-eeee she definitely gets a huzzah!”
2:16 “Hey, let’s dance. To music.”
2:30 “Do you trust toothpaste?”
2:45 “I’m working on a gravity belt.”
2:50 “Today, I had a cheesesteak, then I got a Walkman.”
2:58 “I mean anyone who puts a slice of pizza on bread is a pookachenk-pookachenk. That’s Aztec for lazy farmer. I looked on Wikipedia.”
3:25 [baby talk]
3:30 [jammin’ guitar] “Darth Vader is bad. And his assistant is a mouse. And he used the force to fix all his cats. Yes yes he did.”
3:50 “Tell me how you found the kitten meat.”
4:00 “Um, did that just happen?”
4:05 “We should’ve not eaten kitten meat.”
4:11 “Little bunny bunny. You’re so pretty and cute and precious to me."
4:23: "Well you jerk at least I never kissed Johnny Schatzman.”
4:26 “He was a Capricorn!”
4:30 “Now I ask you a question. You think they should make iPhones for babies? ‘Cause I do.”
5:00 “Jazz hand.”