VW’s Eerie, Interactive, Anti-Texting PSA

Mobile use is now the leading cause of death on the road. Despite increased awareness of the dangers of texting and driving, people continue to take the risk. VW is taking a new approach in an attempt to help solve this deadly roadway issue with their new PSA.
It’s powerful and very smart. It didn’t utilize footage of totaled vehicles or
pedestrians being taking away in an ambulance. Rather, what it did do was grab everyone’s attention to really drive the point home.

Here’s how it went down: The PSA takes place in a movie theater in Hong Kong. The lights dim and what looks like a pre-screening advertisement  begins to roll. It’s a first-person-POV video of somebody driving. Just motoring along, .The seconds tick by as the crowd is lulled into boredom, until everybody in the audience with a cell phone receives a “location-based” text message from someone behind the scenes.
See what happens next:

Published 5 days ago, over 10 million sets of eyeballs have tuned into YouTube to see the spot. Hopefully they will all get the message.

~ Michael Kolatac, Senior Art Director, The S3 Agency


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