On a recent visit back to my old college stomping grounds, I was dismayed to find that the local camera shop that I had spent so many hours in while pursuing my degree had closed. As it has done to so many, digital technology had rendered my camera shop obsolete, along with the expertise that the wonderful owners had. While digital photography has tremendous advantages, in my humble opinion there’s still nothing like the snap of the shutter on a 35mm camera. Apparently I’m not the only one who thinks so judging by the array of stylish models available from trendy retailers like Urban Outfitters – who, interestingly enough, targets a demographic that is probably too young to remember film photography in the first place. Still, colorful 35mm models from Holga, Lomography and Vivitar dot the store shelves.
In a recent report from NPR, listeners confirm that while digital has its place, film photography still has an allure – thanks to its “possibility of failure.” One interviewee puts it best when she says, “…you’ve dropped off that roll, you have no idea what’s on it. You have all these hopes of, you know, having captured just the right moment. And sometimes they’re very disappointing, what you get back. And sometimes it’s like a miracle. You discover it’s even better than you remembered.”
For the full article, click here.
~ Trish Salge, Sr. Art Director & Shutterbug, The S3 Agency