Eggo Leverages Retro Branding with Modern Appeal

I’ve been waiting for a brand to figure out how to connect to the former kids who watched their commercials in the 70s in a way that reaches the new generation of kids. And look who popped up with the idea: Eggo!

For those who don’t know the old Eggo commercials (or just want to see one again), here’s one from 1972. (Yes, that’s the same actor who played Mr. Carlson on WKRP in Cincinnati. But I digress…)

“L’eggo my Eggo” was the clever rhyming catch phrase that drove this campaign for years and years – and was repeated in households across the country. The instantly understood premise: two people reach for the same frozen waffle coming out of the toaster because it’s so delicious they can’t wait for another one to warm up. The brand stuck with that basic idea for so long, that it stuck with us even after years of virtually no advertising presence.

Now Kellogg’s has brought Eggo back into the advertising spotlight with a new campaign that embraces modern technology and behavior. Capitalizing on the trend of sharing photos of what we eat via social media, the brand has taken a new positioning line: “un-shareable since 1972.” Ironically, they haven’t made the video available to be easily shared via YouTube, so here is a link to Eggo’s Facebook page where you can see the new commercial:

Basically, family members await the pop-up of a toasted Eggo with cell phones poised, ready to snap the photo and be the first to share. The assumption is that the first to share will be the one who gets to eat the waffle. The young girl who is not yet distracted by modern technology swoops in and grabs the waffle as it emerges from the toaster – befuddling the phone photographers. 

Voila. L’eggo my Eggo meet the modern world: it’s too good to share in real life, and if you wait to share it on social media you’ll be too late to grab it from the toaster. Very smart. The brand’s social media is bringing this to life nicely as well, connecting the dots between past and present with fun posts like this one:

Mission accomplished: Eggo is reaching a new generation with its “un-shareable” positioning while conjuring a connection to this heritage brand’s past. And true to the original campaign, for some reason families in any decade seem unaware that they can put more than one frozen waffle into a multi-slotted toaster. Maybe someday…

~ Denise Blasevick, @AdvertGirl & CEO, The S3 Agency


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